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September 25, 2018

World Premiere of "Sisters in Freedom"

In celebration of their 10th anniversary, please join History Making Productions for the theatrical premiere of their latest documentary, Sisters in Freedom.

Sisters in Freedom tells the extraordinary story of the women of Philadelphia who worked together to abolish slavery and fight bigotry...

July 18, 2018

Detroit's Bankruptcy Saga Is 

Being Made Into A Documentary

The stars of this summer's hit documentaries include Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ("RBG") and the late children's TV icon Mr. Rogers ("Won't You Be My Neighbor?"). 

Next year's real-life cinematic sensation could be even more unlikely: Detroit's 2013 bankruptcy. 

Work is under way on "We Are Alive: A Grand Bargain for America's City," a feature-length documentary that's expected to be completed by late 2019.

If the vision of its filmmaker is realized, the movie will follow the example of 2015's "The Big Short" by telling a complex financial tale in a clear, gripping way. The project's announcement coincides with the fifth anniversary of the city of Detroit's filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy....

April 19, 2018

The Citizen Recommends:

Philadelphia The Great Experiment

It was the 19th century and Philadelphian John Wanamaker had just opened the city’s first department store. A true wonder to many at the time, the grand building was filled with household goods and clothing produced in Philadelphia that customers could simply buy for a predetermined price.

The ties, and hats, and canes were on display ready for the choosing; exchanges and returns were easily granted at the counter. And employees were given something called “benefits,” ensuring their health, education, housing, and quality of life were taken care of.

As Kate Oxx of Saint Joseph’s University says of Wannamaker: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And he takes this idea and blends it with capitalism and sells it back to people.”

Wanamaker was one of Philadelphia’s most beloved civic and political figures, a pioneer businessman and innovator. He lived in a time of grandeur for Philly—the opening of the Wanamaker building, the development of Fairmount Park, the decades long construction of City Hall, the launch of the Centennial World’s Fair....

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